The Pratt UFCT1460 MOU/Contract Ratification Committee Announces the Contract Ratification Vote for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the UFCT Local 1460 and the Pratt Administration for the 2015-2016 Academic Year (Voting will begin at 1am on Thursday, Sept. 10th & end at 1am on Friday, Sept. 18th)
Dear UFCT Voting Members,
Our union contract negotiating team has reached a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Pratt Administration for the 2015-2016 Academic Year. If ratified, this MOU will become our new Collective Bargaining Agreement that extends our past contract and includes a 3.25% across the board raise in compensation and a 7% TIAA-CREFF administrative contribution for eligible faculty.
For your information, Kye’s email from Aug. 21st regarding the recent meetings that were held from Sept. 1 – Sept. 4th to review the MOU can be downloaded by clicking the link below:
The Contract Ratification Committee have secured the services of Votenet Solutions (in Washington, D.C.) to oversee and facilitate our contract ratification vote. Votenet was provided a full name and email list of 394 eligible voting members (Agency fee payers are ineligible).
In the coming days, Votenet will notify all eligible voters with a ballot and voting procedures via email. Voting will begin at 1am on Thursday, Sept. 10th & end at 1am on Friday, Sept. 18th.
Review the MOU by clicking on the link below:
Should you have questions please contact The Executive Committee. All other questions related to this ratification process can be directed via email to The Contract Ratification Committee at .
In Solidarity,
The Pratt UFCT 1460 MOU/Contract Ratification Committee
(Luis Alonso, Mark O’Grady, Linda Lauro-Lazin and Darini Nicholas)