Mar 6
Know Your Rights: Retaliation ✊. The Role of Grievances
For part time, contingent faculty, advocating for their rights can be particularly challenging. Most have learned, over the years, that...
Nov 15, 2023
Course Cancellations for Under Enrollment: A Guide for Part Time Faculty
Being a contingent part time faculty in higher education is filled with many uncertainties and indignities. Contingency implies a level...
Nov 3, 2023
“Good to Know”: Part Time Faculty and Course Loads
Are Part Time faculty guaranteed a certain minimum workload? In the 2011-2015 CBA, section XX.11.a, adjunct faculty were guaranteed a 50%...
Oct 12, 2013
Parity and Equity the focus of November 14th General Union Membership Meeting
We will hold a General [Union] Membership Meeting on Thursday, November 14th from 5:00 to 7:00 in the Alumni Reading Room [3rd floor,...
Feb 3, 2012
PT Faculty Union Member Emily Beall and UFCT Secretary Holly Wilson Attend Contingent Labor Meeting
Dear Colleagues, I recently attended, with UFCT local 1460 Secretary Holly Wilson, a Summit on the role of contingent labor in the...
Mar 30, 2011
Part-Time Health Benefits Initiative
A group of union members has initiated a much-needed awareness campaign to draw attention to the following: 75-80% of Pratt faculty are...
Nov 13, 2009
Article 28.4 (b): Tuition Remission
A benefit enshrined in the Collective Bargaining Unit involves a full-time or adjunct faculty member's ability to follow any course of...
Oct 27, 2007
Health Benefits for Part-Time Faculty (October 27, 2007)
From an email sent by Kye Carbone to the membership on October 27, 2007: Dear UFCT Members: The Office of Human Resources is making a...
Sep 22, 2007
Joint Committee on the Visiting Status September 13, 2007
On September 13, 2007, Kye Carbone sent the following email: Dear UFCT Member: As Pratt faculty members, most of us are aware of how...