Nov 6, 2023
On Freedom of Expression and Safety
Dear Faculty, Because the Union is not a homogenous entity, I have been encouraged to write to you regarding current events in the world...
Nov 6, 2023
Academic Freedom: Some Thoughts on the Current Moment and a Guide to the CBA
Robert Ausch UFCT 1460 Treasurer and Grievance Committee Given the sensitivities of recent events, the UFCT Local 1460 has decided to...
Nov 23, 2011
Report on Situation at UC Davis
Here is an excellent report on the situation at UC Davis, and in the California public university system in general, in the wake of...
Jan 29, 2011
Troubling Academic Freedom Case at Brooklyn College
February 1, 2011 UPDATE: It has been announced on Democracy Now that Brooklyn College has reversed its decision and rehired the...
Oct 29, 2009
Understanding Academic Freedom
Academic Freedom, covered under article III in the UFCT 1460's CBA, can be an elusive concept to understand. The case of University of...
Apr 29, 2008
News and Comments: April 29, 2008
Dear members, Several items of note: 1. Ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement/Elections As you probably know by now, on...
Feb 2, 2008
The Question of Collegiality
Is "collegiality" a valid category in assessing whether a faculty member merits promotion? This statement from the American Association...
Nov 1, 2007
Academic Freedom November 28, 2007
GLOBAL NEWS The following article raises key issues related to academic freedom. What is the meaning of “academic freedom” in the...
Aug 1, 2007
AAUP Statement of Academic Freedom
Read the American Association of University Professors' 1940 Statement of Principles of Academic Freedom and Tenure .
Jul 23, 2006
Stanley Fish on Academic Freedom July 23, 2006
In this New York Times piece, Fish tries to nuance the debate over academic freedom, specifically over whether a professor should be...