Nov 1, 2007
Split within AFL-CIO on Single-Payer Healthcare (November 17, 2007)
Global News An interesting split appears to be developing within the AFL-CIO between the leadership and the locals concerning...
Nov 1, 2007
Anti-Labor Decisions by NLRB (November 15, 2007)
Global News According to the AFT website, "thousands of union members and supporters rallied in cities across the country on November 15...
Oct 31, 2007
Membership Meeting October 31, 2007
From an email sent by Kye Carbone to the membership on October 24, 2007: Dear UFCT Member: I am apologizing at the outset of this email...
Oct 27, 2007
Health Benefits for Part-Time Faculty (October 27, 2007)
From an email sent by Kye Carbone to the membership on October 27, 2007: Dear UFCT Members: The Office of Human Resources is making a...
Oct 17, 2007
Elections Update October 17, 2007
From an email sent by Kye Carbone to the membership on October 17, 2007: Dear UFCT Member: It is hard to believe that the UFCT will be...
Oct 11, 2007
Faculty Actions Update October 11, 2007
From an October 11, 2007 email send by Kye to the membership: Dear Faculty Colleague: The faculty action cycle has begun. For those who...
Sep 22, 2007
Joint Committee on the Visiting Status September 13, 2007
On September 13, 2007, Kye Carbone sent the following email: Dear UFCT Member: As Pratt faculty members, most of us are aware of how...
Sep 22, 2007
Elections Update September 22, 2007
From the September 22, 2007 status report: Hard to believe that late this fall semester the UFCT will be once again conducting its...
Sep 22, 2007
Negotiations Update September 22, 2007
From the September 22, 2007 status report: The 2003-2007 Collective Bargaining Agreement expired on August 31, 2007. As of this writing,...
Sep 22, 2007
Grievance Update September 22, 2007
From Kye Carbone’s September 22, 2007 status report: I am exceedingly proud that the UFCT has now established – over the last four years...