Pratt faculty: please show solidarity with Pace adjunct faculty by attending the following rallies. They have asked for our support. They have been bargaining for their first contract for the adjunct faculty for more than 3 years. Enough is enough!!! A number of Pratt faculty have already pledged to show up (weather permitting). Come to the rally and find us!
From a leaflet distributed by UAFP (the Union of Adjunct Faculty at Pace):
On December 11th and December 13th, Pace University is holding its annual "Employee Recognition Ceremonies." While we applaud our colleagues' accomplishments we also need to remember that among the honorees are many adjunct faculty who are in the ironic position of simultaneously being recognized and disrespected by the institution to which they have contributed so much. It is unacceptable for Pace to spend a few hours each winter passing out certificates, pins, and watches but spend the rest of the year wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting its employees' right to union representation and a fair contract.
Join UAFP to tell President Freedman and the Pace Administration that REAL employee recognition means recognizing our right to a union and a fair contract! Let's send a message that New York State's working men and women are going to 'think twice' before attending or sending their children to an institution that wastes tuition, alumni, and public monies fighting its workers' right to a fair contract.
Tuesday, 12/11, 4:15PM, Pace's Pleasantville campus
Free parking next door at Our Master's Vineyard Church, 901 Bedford Road
Thursday, 12/13, 5PM, Pace's NYC campus
1 Pace Plaza in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge
Gather near the intersection of Park Row and Spruce Street
For more information and detailed directions, call the Union office at (212) 989-3470
And click here for more information from the NYSUT website.