It’s been a couple of years, but the Pratt Faculty Union newsletter, “The New Voice” is about to get renewed. We’d like to invite you to contribute!
For the Spring 2012 issue, we’ve chosen the theme of “Occupy Hall Street.” We’re seeking contributions from both union members and students that consider: who are we, the 99%, at Pratt Institute? What are the experiences and activities of this “we,” an amazingly diverse set of educators, artists, students, workers, and activists? What practices and structures at Pratt need to be identified and critiqued as advantaging the 1%, often to the detriment of students, teachers, and workers alike? What are we already doing to create communities that can resist the fierce and merciless brand of capitalism that holds sway over so many aspects of our lives–especially our work lives? While the rhetoric of the 99% might just be a jumping-off point, we want to hear about how we’re already part of the larger labor and student movements spurred by OWS in NYC, and how we understand our concerns at Pratt in that broader context.
We’ll hold a editorial meeting on Tuesday, March 6th at 5:15 in the Union Conference Room, North Hall 123. Open to all, please join us! If you want to contribute or have any questions, please send an email to both Suzanne Verderber and Emily Beall — &
In solidarity, Suzanne and Emily