Dear UFCT Member:
The Union has thus far, conducted no less than fourteen discussion/preparation meetings with an eye on our spring-summer negotiations w/the Pratt Administration.
There are just two such sessions remaining, both this coming week: (1) Monday, 3/28th from 5:00 to 6:30, and (2) Wednesday, 3/30th from 5:00 to 6:30 (both meetings will be held in the UFCT conference room: 123 North Hall). Originally, Wednesday’s meeting was to be held during the 12:30 to 2PM time-slot, and was to be, the “final” or “send-off” faculty meeting. This has changed. Therefore, please stay tuned, as the “final” or send-off meeting has not been scheduled as yet, but will take place within the first two weeks of April.
Lastly, we are finalizing the UFCT’s “slate of demands” which we hope to have completed, and sent to all union members on email by week’s end.
In Solidarity,