A call from a fellow Pratt Faculty Union member to join the historic Occupy Wall Street movement:
Sisters & Brothers: I’m on sabbatical this semester so I’ve spent a lot of time on Wall Street. I’ve seen some of you at Liberty Plaza, mostly sisters, two of whom are officials of our glorious union. I would encourage each of you to visit the Occupation at your convenience, what has been evolving there is truly incredible. I’m curious as to what Pratt students think, I’ve seen a few of them there, one doing documentary photography.
I will be at the demonstration on Wednesday and would like to suggest that Pratt’s Local 1460 march together in solidarity. Make signs, bring musical instruments or noise makers, good shoes and a sense of pride.
In solidarity, Jim Costanzo
video performance on Wall Street http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWG7AIiNsdc
More information on the Wednesday evening march and demonstration:
Time Wednesday, October 5 · 4:30pm – 7:30pm Location City Hall, 250 Broadway Created By Beyond May 12 More Info Union workers and community members impacted by the economic crisis have been demanding that Wall Street and the wealthiest New Yorker’s pay their fair share of taxes.
Let’s march down to Wall Street to welcome the protesters and show the faces of New Yorkers hardest hit by corporate greed.
Sponsored By:
United NY
Strong Economy for All Coalition
Working Families Party,
Community Voices Heard
Alliance for Quality Education
New York Communities for Change
Coalition for the Homeless
Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project (NEDAP)
TWU Local 100
The Job Party
NYC Coalition for Educational Justice
The Mirabal Sisters Cultural and Community Center
The New Deal for New York Campaign
National People’s Action
Human Services Council
Labor-Religion Coalition of New York State
Citizen Action of NY
SEIU 1199
CWA 1109
Communications Workers of America
Democracy for NYC
United Auto Workers
United Federation of Teachers
Professional Staff Congress – CUNY
National Nurses United
Common Cause NY