ARPT: Committees on Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (see Article XVI of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, available on this website).
Last year the UFCT sponsored such a forum for the first time, which was – as based on the many responses we received – a rousing success [over fifty-plus in attendance representing some sixteen Pratt department/areas!] At the close of last year’s event, we agreed that such a forum should become a perennial affair!
As such, this year’s forum will take place on: Friday, September 10th, from 10:00-2PM (I apologize to anyone who is teaching at this time and cannot seek a replacement as scheduling is never ideal when factoring in the needs of over six-hundred potential guests!) Lunch and refreshments will be served; however, the location for the event — at this time — is TBA.
If you would be kind enough to simply return email me ( if you wish to attend, this will be very helpful in terms of our finding an appropriate space as well as our catering needs, etc…
A simple response: *“Yes, I plan on attending,”* is all I need at this point. As we get closer to the date of the event I will send confirmation of your attendance.
Look for my ‘Status Report’ in the next week or so; until then though, enjoy what remains of the summer. I hope to see you on 9/10 if not before!
In Solidarity,